Why the Dental Implant is the Best Option for Missing Teeth

Why the Dental Implant is the Best Option for Missing Teeth
If you have lost a tooth due to decay, trauma or an accident, you may be thinking of options for replacement. Other than dental implants other options are dentures and bridges. Dental implants are significantly more expensive than the other options. However, implants are often the best option for replacing a missing tooth. Here’s why.

Safe and Reliable
Dental implants consist of titanium posts that are drilled into the jawbone. As your jaw heals the titanium will fuse with the bone providing excellent support for your teeth. In this respect, they are much safer than dentures and bridges because they do not rely on adjacent teeth for support.

Additionally, implants look and feel natural. You can cough, talk, and eat without worrying that the tooth will move out of place. The crown of the dental implant is usually made from porcelain material that looks like natural teeth.

Preserve the Jawbone
When you lose your teeth your jawbone will begin to deteriorate due to lack of stimulation. The jawbone can deteriorate to the extent that the shape of your face changes. Implants are fused to the bone, unlike bridges and dentures which have to be hooked to adjacent teeth. Dental implants can also prevent the shifting of teeth which creates gaps. These devices are therefore the best permanent solution for preventing the negative effects a tooth extraction can have on your jaw in the long term.

If you have lost teeth that are difficult to replace such as the front teeth, a dentist can use implants to address the problem. They look and feel more natural than dentures, crowns, and bridges. The procedure is usually more expensive than the other options and may also take significantly more time. But that is because implants are the safest, most natural, and permanent solution for missing teeth.

Want to Learn More About Dentistry?

Want to Learn More About Dentistry?

If you’re in the dentistry industry, then you are going to want to learn as much as possible about the dentistry that is being done out there. Whether you want to provide patients with new implants, take care of problems in the mouth or need to learn more about insurance policies, then you need to make sure that you’re getting all that you want and need from the professionals that are able to teach you everything.

With our help, we can be sure to show not only the most innovative ways of doing everything that needs to be done through the use of technology, but you can also ensure that you’re getting more out of the dentistry that is being performed.

Learn Through Technological Advances

With the advances being made throughout the industry, it is important that the right dentistry is being done. This is something that a lot of dentists will have to practice up on. They have to be able to move forward in the world of dentistry and ensure that they have the right place to go to learn what is being taught.

We have seminars and other courses that help dental professionals learn how to file those insurance forms, use the new systems on the computers, use innovative technology within their practices and much more.

Being a dentist that is highly preferred and recommended in the field is the dentist that is going to benefit in the long run. Not only are you going to be more knowledgeable in your field, but you’re going to be able to show off this knowledge to those that come to see you.

We can help with everything from learning to answering those burning dentistry questions you might have. Whatever the case, you can be sure that we are here when you need us.

Reasons You Might Need a Dental Implant

Reasons You Might Need a Dental Implant
We’ve all been there before; a loose tooth, stained tooth, toothache or some other dental pain or emergency that we keep putting off for fear of what’s to come. While most people think of dental work as unnecessary or difficult to deal with, it doesn’t have to be. If you are struggling with a dental issue, it could be that you need a dental implant. Dental implants are a fixture that is installed to support a veneer, crown, or other structure when your natural tooth can no longer serve its purpose. If you think you might need a dental implant, take a look at some of the most common reasons you might need one.

Injury or Trauma
An injury or trauma to the tooth can cause serious problems throughout the entire mouth. If you have had an accident and lost a tooth, have a loose tooth, a fractured or broken tooth, etc. then you might need a dental implant.

Gum Disease
Gum disease starts in the gums but quickly moves to causing problems in the teeth. Gum disease can lead to abscesses and root canals, which can mean that the nerves in your teeth are dead, leaving your tooth-rotting or discoloring. After a root canal, the tooth might not be structurally sound enough to keep and a dental implant might be needed.

Cosmetic Reasons
Another reason you might need or want a dental implant is when you are unhappy with the appearance of your teeth. If you have crooked or missing teeth, dental implants like veneers might be a good solution for giving you more confidence in your smile. Veneers can improve the appearance of your smile and help you to feel better about your teeth while still being able to keep them healthy.

Reasons Why You Need to Have Your Sleep Apnea Corrected

Reasons Why You Need to Have Your Sleep Apnea Corrected

Obstructive Sleep Apnea or OSA affects more people than is reported. This is because people often think it is not an acute medical condition and this is where they go wrong. For the most part, a severe sleep apnea can affect your personal and social life. It can have severe consequences on your body and also have an impact on your family and friends.

Most people who suffer from OSA have reduced social and personal relationships because the problem pervades through their quality of life. It can also lead to complications including sleepiness during the day, memory problems, and depression to name a few.

OSA Causes Sleepiness During the Day
Because your quality of sleep is affected during the night, OSA can cause severe sleepiness during the day. This means you do not have the required energy to do tasks especially at work and can lead to difficulties completing a task. Although it rarely happens, the lack of vigor to do a task at work can consequently lead to job loss in the long run.

The lack of sleep can also take its toll on the body because your body complains all the time and slows down. Driving, reading, or watching a television show can be a difficult task because you often find yourself dozing off in the middle of the activity.

Depression and Memory Gaps Also Become a Problem
When left untreated, severe sleep apnea can cause extreme depression to sufferers. It is often the main culprit that is often left unnoticed until a diagnosis has been determined and OSA has been ruled in as the leading cause of the mental illness.

People with sleep apnea also find it hard concentrating on their tasks, have memory problems, and can also suffer from amnesia because of their slowed reaction. If you or a loved one is suffering from OSA, having it diagnosed and corrected can help them get a better quality of life.

Advanced Implant Master have been working relentlessly not only to give people a perfect smile but also to correct severe OSA. Using leading innovations and bio-physiological modifications can help you get your life back. Take part in the 1-day seminar and discover how you can take your life back.

How Toothaches Give Headaches

How Toothaches Give Headaches.
Headaches can be pretty brutal by themselves. However, when coupled with a toothache which is just as painful if not more, the results can be catastrophic. You won’t find any sleep; you will be extremely irritable and uncomfortable. As such, most people tend only to take painkillers which remove or lessen the pain at the moment but do not address the underlying issues. When you are having a headache as a result of a toothache, there is usually one of three scenarios at play; all of which need a dentist’s touch to solve.

Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD)
This is a condition that causes the teeth to ache and consequently also affect the head. The temporomandibular joints are found in the area where the jaws and the skull connect. Since the muscles on the side of the face control movements of the joints, the injured tooth can cause pain to shoot up the head. This is especially a problem for some ladies given the amounts of estrogen they produce either naturally or as a byproduct of using birth control pills. TMD is also caused by some abnormalities or conditions such as effacing of wisdom teeth, grinding teeth, eating some hard foods and also chewing large amounts of gum on a daily basis.

Abscessed Tooth
This is the leading cause of tooth-based aches. This type of tooth is caused by a severe crack or cavity in the tooth which has consequently brought about infection of the mouth and the surrounding tissues. Since there are several nerves passing through the mouth and head, the resulting infection agitates the nerves causing sharp throbbing, shooting pain from the area around the jaw to different areas of the head.

Cavities mostly occur on the surface of teeth and in the roots. They are usually caused by eating and drinking sugary drinks or lack of oral hygiene such as regular brushing. Once the tooth is cracked open, the cavity gets bigger by eating away at the enamel of the tooth, therefore, exposing nerves to different things such as sugars, hot and cold foods that cause the exposed nerve to respond by sending pain to other regions of the face. This can be fixed by a dentist who will fill up the cavity and prevent further spreading.

Mini Dental Implants For Improved Smile

Mini Dental Implants For Improved Smile

Dental implants have become popular in recent years. These dental procedures allow patients to have a non-invasive dental treatment that is long lasting and provides secure care. Mini dental implants have faster recovery times and high success rate. Today, if you want to replace individual teeth, you find that dental implants are the most preferred while bridges are seen as a secondary option in restorative dental care.

Demand for Mini Implants Expected to Grow
Mini implants offer an improved dental technology and technique allowing patients to find reliable restorative dentistry procedures. The typical 3.0 mm or greater dental implants were the option available in the past years, but with the increasing demand for mini implants that are 3.0 mm or less, the results are impressive. However, it is important to point out that the procedure may take a couple of months to see the results.

So, Why Are Dental Implants A Better Choice
There are many benefits that come with dental implants and they include improved appearance, improved comfort, enhanced oral care, durability, and increased success rate. When you have these implants, they look and feel as your original teeth. You will have improved comfort because there is less pain involved. Because mini dental implants individualize teeth treatment, they do not affect the surrounding teeth and a patient will have improved oral hygiene. The implants will last longer because of the enhanced oral hygiene and efficient personal care.

Evaluating Your Options
It is essential that you find out if dental implants offer an effective procedure for your individual treatment. Scheduling an appointment with the team at Advanced Implant Master will allow the cosmetic dentists to evaluate your need for dental implants and provide you with a personalized care plan.

Improving your smile with dental implants gives you the confidence you need to face life. It also helps you enjoy your bite while also ensuring you have comfort with the dental procedure.

Long-Term Care After a Dental Implant

Long-Term Care After a Dental Implant

You want your dental implants to last longer and avoid any dental issues or complications after the procedure. Usually, proper care of your dental implants will begin even before having the procedure. You need to ensure that you promote good oral health so that the implant is successful. Your gums should be firm and bright pink without redness or inflammation. That said, your post-implant period is equally as important as the pre-implant period. So, what are the long-term dental implant care tips you should observe?

The Toothpaste
Obviously, you want to brush your mouth, but this time, you have something not typical as you would find with a normal mouth. You have the implants in there and these are made of materials that can deteriorate if not cared for. You will find that not all toothpaste is going to work for you when you have implants. Use low abrasive toothpaste and avoid those that contain stain removers, baking soda, and sodium fluoride because they may erode the surface of the implant.

Use Implant-Friendly Floss
Flossing is crucial as it removes food particles and plaque responsible for promoting the growth of bacteria, which release acids causing damage to the enamel. If you don’t floss, your enamel and probably the implants may be eroded by the acids. But you want to be careful when flossing. Use implant-specific floss or the unwaxed floss. If you have multiple implants, you may need a threader. Water flossers may be needed if the implants are in hard to reach parts of the mouth.

Regular Checkups
Your dentist will need to monitor the implants and see that they are functioning properly and the surrounding gum tissue is healthy. So make follow-ups with the dentist. You may want to do visual inspections and when you notice something unusual like swelling or redness or irritation, you call your dentist.

Having dental implants offers you a safe, permanent method of replacing missing teeth. If you want them to last longer, you should follow the above tips and any other information the dentist provides you with. Restore your smile today with Advanced Implant Master.

The Not-So-Easy-Signs of Sleep Apnea

The Not-So-Easy-Signs of Sleep Apnea
Millions of people in this world suffer from some sort of sleep disorder. According to reports, nearly 20 million people in the United States of America alone have some type of sleep disorder. One of the disorders that go largely untreated is sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is when a person takes pauses or breaks in breathing while they are sleeping, and of course, this can be as dangerous to your health as it sounds.

If you are familiar with sleep apnea, then there are some tell-tell signs that a person may be suffering from this sleep disorder such as snoring and pauses in breathing while the person is sleeping. However, there are some not so obvious signs that a person is suffering from what can be a very debilitating disorder.

Not So Tell-Tell Signs

Always Tired
You are going to bed a reasonable time, you think you are getting the recommended amount of rest, but for some reason, you are always exhausted. While you might think it is because of your work load or family life, it could be because you are constantly woken up and your sleep interrupted because of the apnea. If you find yourself extremely sleepy during the day, it may be time to contact your physician.

High Blood Pressure
You have a healthy diet, but you are suffering from high blood pressure. This could be a result of the apnea and your body responding to every apnea episode that happens while you are sleep which will cause the blood pressure to remain high even while you are awake.

Depression and Mood Swings
With the focus on mental health if you start experiencing depression, anxiety, or irritability you might think you have a mental disorder exposing itself, but another option is you are suffering from sleep apnea.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms above, contact your doctor so you all can get to the root of what is causing the sleep apnea in your life.

Get Rid Of Your Snoring Problems With The Techniques Learned At The Advanced Implant Master

Get Rid Of Your Snoring Problems With The Techniques Learned At The Advanced Implant Master

You have just started to doze off after a hard day at work. Suddenly, you get a jolt. Of course, there is no earthquake happening anywhere. The sound is just because your partner is snoring blissfully. This can be the situation in practically every house in town. Naturally, you have a disturbed sleep while your partner sleeps peacefully. Is there a cure for snoring? You will be happy to know that there is one cure easily available at Advanced Implant Master. Let us know understand what snoring is and how one can control this activity.

You should be excusing your partner because he is not disturbing you on purpose. He is fully unaware that he is snoring. That is the beauty of snoring. This is a sleep disorder where you have breathing problems due to various reasons. You experience a blockage or an obstruction in the breathing canal that results in the snoring sound. They call it the Obstructive Sleep Apnea in medical parlance.

You can take consolation from the fact that it is a common problem with most people in the world. The best aspect of it all is that you have a cure for snoring. Therefore, you should fix up an appointment with the doctors at the Advanced Implant Master and ask your partner to participate in the 1-Day Sleep Apnea Seminar.

This is the best opportunity for him to obtain information about snoring and the ways it can affect his health in the future. This seminal also highlights the ways of curing this disorder. The good news is that one can practice the techniques taught at the Institute and eliminate this problem from their health portfolio forever.
Now, you will be able to sleep peacefully in the knowledge that your partner is fully cured of his disorder. This is real bliss for both of you now.

Be an Informed Patient

Going to the dentist can be a terrifying experience. You never quite seem informed enough about what is going on within your own mouth, and the dentist never seems friendly enough to ask. However, at the Advanced Implant Master, all of these problems evaporate. Their staff is very friendly, and the best part is that you don’t even need to ask what is going on. At the Institute, they believe in informed patients, which means that you will learn everything about why this procedure is necessary and everything about why it is being done–before you sit down in the chair! This concept of informed patients is one of the Institute’s founding principles and one that they will jealously enforce. There are courses and articles on their website, teaching you exactly what is going on, as well as the friendly, professional staff in the building to teach you.

The Advanced Implant Master devotes their time to being professional, friendly, informative, and accessible. These are all enviable qualities for a dentist’s office to have, and if you go to the Institute, they will be qualities your dentist’s office has.

The Institute offers all the general services from any office, as well as help for things such as sleep apnea and snoring. No matter what your dentistry needs are, the Institute is ready to help you create a brighter smile!

The Advanced Implant Master strives to be all of these things so that they will be different. It strives to create a better environment, in order to make you more comfortable and more informed. If you are ready to visit the dentist, become informed and made to feel comfortable, you are ready to visit the Advanced Implant Master. Call to make an appointment today for a brighter, happier, and above all, more genuine smile.